Richard and I have become good friends over the past few years. Using his category based phrase book coupled with 'yes' and 'no' we have been able to discuss his favourite topic which is Formula 1 racing, lament the recent floods in KZN and most recently discuss what type of car I should invest in. He was even able to request the first sip of beer that he has had in years. Richard also has the power to end the conversation when he wants to. He used to do this most often by disengaging and closing his eyes but has started to use his phrase book to say 'Stop'', 'leave me alone' and 'goodbye'.

When we choose the vocabulary to use in a communication system, we are determining what the AAC user will be able to say in any circumstances. It is important that we give the AAC user the ability to do more than just request and answer questions. Initiating and ending conversations are important communication functions that should not be neglected. It is important that AAC users are given vocabulary to not only initiate a conversation but also to exit it when they so wish.