Some children are unable to interact with toys, due to physical or sensory impairments. Play is such a vital component in a child’s development and should be accessible to all. Switch adapted toys make playing with toys accessible to children of all abilities. Let’s look at some of the possibilities!
Toy Controllers bring a whole new dimension to playing with switch adapted toys!
With a SimplyWorks Send, you can use a normal, wired switch remotely to control a toy on the other side of the room, when it is connected to a SimplyWorks Control. These control boxes offer different modes: a normal single press; or you can latch them on, so the activity will continue after the switch is released, until it is pressed again; or you can set them for a specific time period.

Our brand new Participation Box lets you control an electrical appliance by switch. Simply plug your appliance (radio, hairdryer, milkshake blender etc) into the box, plug in a switch and off you go!

The SimplyWorks Energise lets you control two appliances, by up to six different switches (even a combination of wired and wireless switches), so the opportunities for collaboration and turn taking are limited only by your imagination.

Also new is our Toy Control Box – such a brilliant way to let a child choose which toys they would like to play with. You can plug up to four different switch adapted toys into the box, and through an on-screen computer interface, the child chooses which one they would like to activate. It’s accessible by touch screen, scanning, eye gaze or any other method, so a truly empowering play option. Great for keeping attention for longer, teaching cause and effect, teaching scanning – and just plain fun.


Battery Device Adapter – turn your battery operated toys into Switch accessible toys! Available for all the different size

SimplyWorks Control Lite
The SimplyWorks Control Lite is a single channel toy controller, small enough to be fastened to a battery operated toy.

SimplyWorks Control Pro
SimplyWorks Control Pro is a controller for one or two battery operated toys and other low-voltage appliances. The unit has an operating range of 10 metres (when used with wireless switches)
Take a look at our range of switch adapted toys.