PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) is a resource that helps you to create a wide range of low-tech communication books to suit varying communication, language and sensory requirements. It is especially useful in the South African context as these low-tech books are inexpensive to produce, and one purchase of the software allows the production of books for any number of learners/patients.
It provides teachers, therapists or parents with detailed information and guidelines on developing an appropriate communication book and also describes strategies to enable the use of the system in the child’s daily life – at home, at school and in the community.
PODD is presented using PCS symbols, and is available as an add-on for BoardMaker 7 for the low-tech version, or in a digital version for Grid 3 or Snap Core First. SimPODD is a standalone app that offers access to both high tech and printable PODD books.
There are two versions of PODD templates available at the moment: Direct Access and Indirect Access.
Provides templates to create a range of PODD communication books designed for people who use direct pointing with a whole hand, finger or pointer. Some of these page sets can also be modified to accommodate pick up and give/show or partner assisted scanning access methodologies.
The 3 x CD-Rom set includes:
A full version of the book titled Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display communication books by Gayle Porter (2007). This publication describes the theoretical underpinnings and features of PODD communication books and includes a detailed section on teaching learning strategies.
Templates for fourteen different PODD communication books from simple early functions to complex syntax. These templates can be viewed and customised using older versions of Boardmaker (v5 and 6), as well as the new Boardmaker 7.
To support you to make customised PODD communication books, each set of templates includes:
An information file providing a detailed description for that communication book’s language, page layout, vocabulary organisation and navigation pathways.
Construction files providing specific instructions for printing and constructing each communication book.
CD1 contains:
The book: Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) communication books in PDF format
Step by step instructions for selecting and customising a PODD template to suit individual requirements
Vocabulary ideas
Colour master file (Boardmaker format)
Template folders for one-page opening PODD communication books, from nine per page early functions to twenty per page expanded functions
Template folders for group PODD communication books
CD2 contains :
Template folders for two-page opening PODD communication books: forty key word, seventy expanded key word and one hundred plus complex syntax.
CD3 contains:
template folders for two-page opening with side panel PODD communication books: thirty six key word, forty eight expanded keyword and ninety plus complex syntax.
The Indirect Access set provides templates to create books designed to be accessed via direct eye pointing, coded access or partner-assisted scanning.
Included are:
Templates for Coded Access. Direct Eye Gaze, Group PAVS (Partner-assisted visual scanning), PAVS and combination One-page opening, PAVS and combination Two page opening books.
Videos for each type of book demonstrating how modelling should be done using a specific book
Information files:
PODD printable book
Additional vocabulary ideas