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eye tracking technology

Use Your Eyes To Control Your Computer

Eye control technology opens up the world for people with complex physical disabilities, who might otherwise be unable to do much independently. Using their eyes to control the mouse, people can type, browse the Internet, paint, make music, play games, communicate, send e-mail, work, control appliances around the home - or anything else they want to do.

How does it work?

Eye trackers consist of a computer, a small infrared light and a camera. The light illuminates your pupils, while the special camera mounted near the screen tracks your eye movements. Clever software then turns those into mouse movements on the screen.


You can move the mouse by moving your eyes! An on-screen keyboard allows you to type with your eyes. Holding your eyes still over your target for a moment is how you select the letter you want.


There is really no limit to what you can do with your eyes; some people have even become eye-gaze artists, painting and selling their artwork! Others continue to work and run businesses using full Windows access.


Eye tracking can run on laptops, tablets and All-in-one PC's, but it is important to select the right solution to meet your needs. Mounting and positioning the computer impacts how comfortably it can be used. 


Our advisors will listen to your requirements and help you choose.

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What can you do with your eyes?

Take Control

Gain total control of the computer, for early learning, communication, or full desktop access.


Gain Insight

Provides valuable information about where somebody is looking on the screen, easily identifying areas of interest, or areas of neglect. Engage in a conversation about an image, and observe how the person's eyes follow your verbal prompts.


Therapy & Stimulation

An exciting aspect of eye control technology is visual therapy. Several games are available to exercise the eyes, develop searching & scanning skills, work on fixation ability, and much more.


Environment Control & Home Automation

Eye control is one way to operate the appliances around you, such as your TV. It offers a powerful cause-and-effect learning experience; as a person looks at a choice on a screen, real effects can be triggered around the room.


Who can use an Eye Tracker?

All Ages

Adults and children, people of any eye colour, with glasses or contact lenses, and even people who only have one eye can all use eye tracking.


People who find it more comfortable

Eye control is frequently used because it is faster and more comfortable than other methods.


Activities designed for all levels

It is suitable for people with complex learning difficulties. Activities meet the user's needs & provide amazing learning opportunities. From entertainment to visual therapy or communication - all are possible even with no understanding of 'eye control' as a concept.


Complex vision can be supported

People with visual difficulties, including Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), hemianopia, nystagmus or very limited ocular movement ability can also usually use eye tracking. By adjusting the size and colour contrasts of the activities, we can include almost anybody!

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Experience and knowledge - we're here for you!

Eye Tracking is a passion of ours! With over 15 years of  experience helping people with complex difficulties to use this technology, we’re the most qualified team in the country.


Our knowledge will ensure that you receive the best advice and service in choosing an appropriate tracker – and that it is successfully used.


Whether for a school or hospital, adult or child, we are the experts and would love to assist you to make the right investment in this exciting technology. 


We have eye trackers at a variety of price levels, and options for every type of user: from children who have never used a computer before to people who simply want to get back to work doing all the things they previously did with their PC.


Success lies in working with experienced assessors and the right solution... and nobody does that better than us!

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