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training VIDEOS

Welcome! Here you will find a link to each of our training video pages.
For each course that you have paid for, you will receive a unique code to access that page.

Autism - Communication & Behaviour

Looking at movements for communication and an autistic-perspective approach to support and inclusion.


Assistive Technology - Part 1

Devices and strategies which assist people with physical disabilities to function more independently.

nAbler Joystick Grips.jpg

AAC Part 1

Introduces the main topics, concepts and types of strategies available in Augmentative & Alternative Communication.

Boy Reading Tablet

Literacy for All - Including Non-speakers

Ensuring that all people are given access to reading and writing practice, despite complex barriers they might face.

Teacher and Young Student

Boardmaker 7

Using Symbols to Improve Classroom Communication & Inclusion.

Boardmaker-7 Screenshot.jpg

Assistive Technology - Part 2

Assessing for suitable assistive devices as well as the roles of teams in technology support.

A Boy and His Tablet Device

AAC Part 2

Which vocabulary to include & how to improve AAC user skills 

Teaching sitting children

AAC Part 4

Establishing AAC use within your environment and bringing it into everyday practices.

Sufina 1.png

The Senses: Impact on Learning

How to support people who have sensory modulation difficulties to better participate in learning.

Girl hugging a Rompa Bubble Tube

Literacy, Dyslexia & Numeracy Support

Strategies & products for teachers to improve support for learners with dyslexia and other reading difficulties.

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