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Independance. One Special Beneficiary At A Time.

Zimele means 'independant' and at our Foundation, we aim to provide much needed technology to improve access to schooling, and improved quality of life for young people with disabilities. 

Our Beneficiaries

Since the inception of The Zimele Inclusive Foundation, we have assisted several children to acquire the important technology they needed...

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Mivuyo has arthrogryposis and can't easily use his hands to control a computer. He had developed an impressive skill of using his tongue and lips to control his laptop with great speed, however was using a harmful posture to reach his laptop trackpad. The Zimele Inclusive Foundation provided a mounting arm and an additional trackpad, connected to his laptop, to allow him to adopt a more comfortable upright position. These are mounted at a comfortable height to prevent secondary postural pain and deformities, while still  allowing him to control his laptop with his mouth. He attends a mainstream primary school and participates fully in his busy classroom and school life!

Rehadapt Magic Arm


Lesedi has a complex visual impairment and struggles to see the board, or her teacher’s face. She has an assistant in class who copies everything from the board for Lesedi to see more clearly. She usually bends down close to the table to see her schoolbooks and her own handwriting, or holds words up directly in front of her face in order to see. The Zimele Inclusive Foundation provided a handheld, portable digital magnifier which will allow her to more comfortably read books, and see the work she does at school. It changes the colour contrast and magnification of any text, to provide the best visual support for her.

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Siyolise has cerebral palsy and can’t use a pen to write. He has struggled to keep up with writing his letters like his peers can, due to this disability. The Zimele Inclusive Foundation provided a laptop, with lowercase letter stickers, to help him recognise the letters he is learning and find them more easily on the keyboard. He also received a child-sized mouse which is easier to hold, and child-friendly software to help him learn important computer skills, as this will be the way that he now writes and produces all his work at school!

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Onamandla is autistic and can’t say many words or communicate easily with those around him. He is eager to engage but is not able to say what he wants to. The Zimele Inclusive Foundation provided a communication device, consisting of a tablet with Grid 3 software, to help him type whatever he wants to say using picture symbols. He also received a rugged case which he can carry everywhere he goes. Having this portable system will allow him to select his message on the screen, and chat with those around him more easily.

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